Ayrton Senna: God given right to win

Ayrton Senna was born in March 21st 1960 in São Paulo, Brazil. He was a racing driver that won the F1 driver championship three times. He died while leading the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix. 

Senna was often quoted using driving as a means for self-discovery and racing as a metaphor for life: "The harder I push, the more I find within myself. I am always looking for the next step, a different world to go into, areas where I have not been before. It's lonely driving a Grand Prix car, but very absorbing. I have experienced new sensations and I want more. That is my excitement, my motivation."

A absolute genius, a maverick, an outsider, a superstar, a legend. This is SENNA.

"A intensely religious God fearing men that actually believe that we had a God given right to win."

"The main thing is to be yourself. Everybody wants you to be different... You have to trust in your capabilities"
Ayrton Senna

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